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Mar 20, 2020
2020 Ford Mustang

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With spring just around the corner in most parts of the country, it’s time to start thinking about that dreaded spring cleaning. Were you able to keep your ride clean through the winter months, or is your car in need of some TLC once the weather comes around? Regardless of what shape your vehicle is in, there is a lot you can do to spruce it up for spring. Here are a few things you can try to make your vehicle as fresh as a spring rainstorm. 

Brush Your Car

Just like your teeth, your car can benefit greatly by giving it a good brushing. Use a soft brush on the harder parts of your car’s interior such as around the shifting knob, center console, buttons, and dashboard. This simple process can loosen and free up any grime and debris that gets built up without scratching the surface. Then, use a firm brush on the seating if you have cloth seats. Once you’ve given a thorough brushing to the interior of your car, take out the vacuum and clean up all the dirt and debris. This alone can make your car look more ready for spring.

Clean Your Windshield

You would be surprised by how dirty your windshield is. Have you ever needed to have your windshield replaced from a rock getting kicked up and cracking it? Do you remember how clean the brand new windshield was? You could probably barely tell there was even glass between you and the road. Your blower vents can pick up dust and dirt from the outside and blow it onto your windshield and dashboard. Add in some sneeze residue, and you might have a pretty grimy windshield.

Pour some specialized windshield cleaner on a microfiber cloth, and then use the cloth to clean your windshield. Having a nice and clean windshield can make a world of difference, especially at night.

Organize Your Cargo Compartments

One way to spruce up your car for springtime is to clean out the cargo compartments. You’ll be surprised how much trash, useless receipts, and change you’ll find scattered throughout your car’s cargo areas. Once you’ve cleaned them cleaned, try to keep them organized. One compartment for change and another for phone accessories and the likes. Sticking to this organization can help prevent your cabin cargo compartments from getting too cluttered.

Clean Out the Trunk

One part of your car that you might overlook while doing some spring cleaning is the trunk. If you live in an area that gets a lot of winter weather, your trunk may be full of gear like a spare shovel or cat litter for traction in a pinch. Clean out the trunk and cargo compartment of your car or SUV to make room for all the fun you’ll have this spring and summer.

Now that you’ve gotten your car cleaned out for spring, it’s time to start planning a great adventure for you and your family. With a clean and organized automobile, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.